Our world is being transformed into a

due to vaccine bioweapons causing mass death over the next decade... here's how to survive the global collapse that may see HALF the human beings on planet Earth EXTERMINATED
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Trending post-vaccination death rates show that at least one-third of those who are vaccinated will die over the next decade. With multiple "booster" shots administered, as much as half the global population could be eliminated via vaccines.
That's because these "vaccines" are deliberate depopulation bioweapons, and they are being forced onto the population by globalists who believe they are saving the planet by urgently reducing the human footprint on Earth's resources. They are convinced this will bring the planet back from the brink of ecological collapse.
Each day, 30 million more human beings are vaccinated with gene-altering, cancer-causing covid "vaccines." That means 10 million more people are condemned to death by lethal injection each day. If this rate of mass vaccination continues through early 2023, it will mean that over half the world's population could be dead by the end of 2032, given the increased mortality rates we are seeing in early 2022.
This mass die-off will have catastrophic consequences on human civilization. Blue cities with high vaccination rates will collapse into "Mad Max" conditions. Stock markets will collapse. Nations will fall. War will erupt. Mass starvation, famine, lawlessness and violence will become the norm in many areas. This could be the end of civilization as we know it.
In many blue cities, the homes and apartments of the dead will be auctioned off to "salvage teams" who will reclaim used appliances, clothing, firearms and will even strip the copper wire out of entire neighborhoods due to the skyrocketing value of practical metals.
But survivors will gather in rural areas of America and other nations. Red states -- "free states" -- will launch their own currencies, and in many areas, open commerce and the rebuilding of America will thrive.
Ghost World 2022 - 2032 reveals the blueprint of how all this is going to look and how you and your family can survive the global turmoil (and mass genocide) that has already been unleashed.
The book is free to download right now (see below). You can download the audio MP3 files and printable PDF file for a hardcopy transcript of the entire book (perfect for the hearing impaired).

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Here's an overview of what the book delivers:

Chapter 2
Chapter 1
The Die-Off
Death projections, WHO will be dying and WHERE the deaths will occur. (Hint: largely in blue cities / Democrat strongholds and among certain high-vax professions such as doctors and schoolteachers.)
What will happen to upcoming elections (if they even take place) after the Democrat-heavy die-off from vaccines? Blue states will lose census numbers, but Democrats are replacing their own dead voters with illegal immigrants as "replacements."

Chapter 4
Living in the Ghost World post-collapse economy
Chapter 3
Economic Consequences
Analysis of what happens to the stock market, gold and silver, real estate, supply chains, food supplies and more. Prepare for the most severe disruptions of your life.
How to maintain the ability to provide value in a collapsed society - barter, trade, production, currencies and the mass decentralization of economic power. The rise of the secondhand economy and repair professions, salvage operations and more.

Chapter 6
Gluts and Scarcity
Chapter 5
Cultural Consequences
What will happen to the culture as the die-off accelerates? The rule of law, local self-governance, fertility and more.
A detailed look at what items will be in excess supply as the die-off accelerates: Used cars, homes, firearms, clothing, etc. What will be scarce? Vehicle tires, fossil fuels, electronics parts, labor resources and more.

Chapter 7
Ghost World Summary
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Where this all leads as the global population collapse takes its course. The elimination of the obedient, brainwashed masses; global government and its control systems and much more.
Mass migration will occur as people flee the collapsing cities of the world
As the die-off accelerates, vaccine survivors will flee the cities, and a mass migration wave will take place across America as survivors escape to red states where local economies will thrive. Once-thriving blue cities will collapse into financial ruin, along with extreme violence and crime. Many areas will simply be abandoned wholesale by law enforcement.
The end result of all this will be TWO Americas: The former "blue" America (controlled by Democrats) will be decimated. "Red" America (controlled by conservatives) will ultimately thrive under new societal rules and a sustained rebuilding effort.
As billions die around the world, here's what willdrop in value as excess supply floods the world
- Glut of commercial real estate
- Glut of residential real estate
- Glut of used vehicles
- Glut of crypto with no one left to keep buying it
- Glut of roads to maintain, bankrupting counties and cities
- Glut of orphaned human children and pets
- Glut of airplanes, ocean container ships, cruise ships, transport vessels
- Glut of power grid infrastructure including nuclear power plants and solar panels / farms
- Glut of oil exploration infrastructure, refineries
- Glut of manufacturing infrastructure, mining
- Glut of farming equipment and ranch animals
- Glut of construction equipment, municipal firefighting equipment
- Glut of hospitals, many will eventually be abandoned
- Glut of military equipment with no one to maintain or operate it
- Glut of civilian firearms with no owners
In addition to gluts, there will also be extreme scarcity of other types of products. You need to understand the gluts and scarcity issues in order to survive all this.
The mass die-off has already begun

Importantly, the process described here has already begun. Those who wish to survive it must relocate to geographic areas that have a shot at surviving the mass culling, and they must position themselves financially and economically to survive the collapse of fiat currencies and the decimation of real estate values (among other issues).
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